Dennis Wilson and Charlie Manson, by Jack Skelley. In story and verse this chapbook explores the tragic links between the Beach Boys drummer
and the cult killer. Verse sections include an "Epilogue Remix – Beach Boys Villanelle."
Killer illustrations by noted artist Brian Walsby.
Dennis Wilson and Charlie Manson is published by Fred & Barney Press.
Jack Skelley
“In Skelley’s world everything and everyone is volcanic. Cities become backlots; celebrities become saviors. Sharp, always spectacular. One of my very favorite writers on the earth.” – Dennis Cooper
“Jack's mind on the page helps parse our crazy, media-besotted, celebrity-drenched, digitized lives. His ability to syncretize pop culture and history, product placement, Catholicism and beyond is a necessary wonder of the contemporary world. ” – Amy Gerstler
“Despite my dislike of seeing my own name, you’re really a good writer – never what’s expected.” – Kathy Acker
“With a linguistic and cultural range of four or five octaves, Skelley’s poetry and its luminous, energized mental landscapes provide a place for the art to survive.” – David E. James