This book is meant to comfort millions, like the author himself, who were taught by the Christian religion that Jesus and his Father will, at their death, send their non-Christian family members, loved ones, friends, co-workers, and fellow human beings to a torture chamber called Hell. There, for no redemptive purpose whatsoever, they will consciously suffer in burning fire for all eternity, without respite, escape, or sympathy. This is a lie and is misinformation. There is no Hell.
Early on, we examine the descriptions of Hell and its suffering written by Church leaders from the 300's A.D. up to the present. If we did not restrict pornography to sex, these quotes are truly pornographic. To believe that human beings, particularly Church leaders, would uncritically accept such treatment to other human beings as Biblical is beyond belief. As the old saying goes, "I wouldn't do that to a dog."
Then we examine the Old Testament, underlining the numerous mistranslations of the Hebrew word Sheol into the Nordic word Hell. We find there is no Hell taught or conceived in the complete Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi. No Jewish sect, orthodox, conservative, or reformed have ever extracted from their Bible that such a place exists. Since the Jews are God's chosen people, you would think he would not have kept Hell as a secret from them. The book then addresses several other false doctrines that proceed from the Christian and Muslim doctrines of infidels burning in Hell. For one example, the Christian Church teaches Original Sin from its Patriarch St. Augustine of Hippo (380-410 A.A). This means every baby ever conceived is a sinner destined for Hell, unless at some point before he dies, he repents and believes in Jesus. The poor child didn't ask to come into this world just to be thrown into the garbage dump of Hell.
Lastly, we examine the New Testament in full. The English Bible mistranslated the Greek word for grave and Jerusalem's garbage dump, Gehenna, into everlasting Hell. We examine, in detail, the "Lake of Fire" and find it is an allegory for the cleansing and refining process God places his people through to make them good and lovely human beings. It is somewhat synonymous to the Jewish mikvah water bath of purification. Reviewing both the Old and New Testaments, readers will find, instead of Hell and suffering, it teaches the ultimate resurrection from the dead, all humanity into a restored Eden in the World to Come. The Christian religion, blinded by its Hell doctrine, passes by or tries to explain away such passages. What could be clearer than Romans 5:18, which states "and so by the righteousness of one (Jesus) the free gift came upon ALL MEN unto the justification of life."
The book examines the corrections and refinements God puts men through to bring out the gold. It examines the details of the resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgement of works every man, saved and unsaved, must go through before entering the New Heaven and Earth. We examine the false doctrines of the weak God of the Armenians who wants to save everyone but is powerless to do so. In connection with that, we point out the false narrative of the Christian religion that God has lost control of the World and the Devil is in charge.
The Book ends erasing the dark pessimism of the Christian religion with buoyant hope and joy of everyone under Christian Universalism (Apocatastasis). In addition to the truth of the Ten Commandments, it gives Ten Commandments of how we ought to live and love one another through the true Bible teaching of Universalism. It teaches we ought to be working to make our beautiful God-given world a better place and spend less time thinking about escaping to Heaven to avoid sinners like everyone else but me.