This book asks the dangerous question, why are we doing the things we do? It also asks if it's working. Is it getting us where we want to go? It bases those questions strictly on what the Bible tells us and evaluates based on what can be plainly seen in the world. Humans aren't big fans of change, we like to stay on the same old road simply because we're used to it. This book will use the Bible to examine if that is a good enough reason. It will expose some paradoxical thinking that has become commonplace in the church.
With regard to our Christian walk, a well-known Christian leader says that "you can be pitiful, or you can be powerful, but you can't be both." Those are potent and inspiring words with which many people can agree. Except, the Bible says in 2 Corinthians, "For when I am weak, then I am strong." and that God's power "is made perfect in weakness." Hmm, I still believe there's some powerful truth in that leader's quote, but the Bible shows me that they are not the truth. The modern church loves powerful words, and yet the bible tells us in Proverbs that "a gentle tongue can break a bone." In fairness, most Christian leaders would shudder at the thought of people taking their words as biblical truth. It's not their intention to establish doctrine or coin a cool catchphrase, but human nature tends towards those things. Perhaps you've heard the call and response, "God is good … all the time." While that is certainly true, what the Bible actually says, in a number of ways, is that "the Lord is good," period. Adding the phrase "all the time" opens the possibility of Him not being good—as if it's conditional—when in fact "good" is His essence eternally. He cannot exist in any other state. It's like saying hot is hot all the time. Hot cannot be other than hot otherwise we would cease to call it hot. God cannot be other than good, otherwise, He would cease to be God.
I didn't write this book to throw stones at anyone; I endeavor to gently wake the church to her full potential before it's too late; before it's so far down the wrong road that there isn't time to change course. For some people that will take more than a little nudge. It won't be like a rally to the masses but more like a shaking of one reader at a time. What you read may seem like it applies to your friend or your relative or your pastor, but I wrote this book for you. The main person I hope to reach is you, the Christian believer who wants his or her life to be fruitful for Jesus Christ. He is the One to whom you owe everything, your Lord and Savior. I have written this book in service to Him.