Basic Mathematical Skills, Measuring Techniques, Squaring Techniques, Leveling Terhniques, Calculate and Lay Out Angles, Stairs, and Rafters, One & Two Point Sketching, Plus many, many, many more unique features. Also available in hard copy, 256 pages, 8 1/2" x 10 1/4" with perforated pages and 3 hole drilled. This book can be used individually or as a set with Chenier's Practical Math Dictionary. This book is designed to parallel and enhance any practical math class from general education through college level programs. Many of the math concepts are left out of traditional math books and are relevant to many different trades, occupations, do-it-yourselfers, home owners, home schoolers, etc. It includes testing material, economical hands-on projects that simulate industry (use with sticks of wood, chalk lines, flipchart paper, etc.), the answers, and many different unique modules for projects, classroom situations, self-study, industry, etc. All have been proven in the classroom and on-the-job. There are drilling tricks, drill and tap charts (English and Metric), drill numbers, American Standard pipe chart, shimming tricks, draw circles with a layout square, plus much, much more.