Populated with unforgettable characters such as a corpselike hitman plagued with OCD, a death metal bassist in serious need of anger management, and an extremely unlucky drug addict, Chase the Dragon is so wickedly entertaining that adjectives such as “crazed, “outrageous,” and “savage,” fail to do it justice. From start to finish, Chase the Dragon is fast-paced and darkly humourous—a story about bad luck, a story about fate, a shitkicking, backslapping, riotously disturbing page-turner guaranteed to leave readers with aching ribs and a slanted view of the world around them. This is more than a novel—this is a hot-blooded rebuttal to everything kind and decent. Let the chase begin.
"Cars screeched to a halt as Dragon made his escape. He reached the other side of the street and dashed past a long stretch of abandoned stores into an alley. With his stick-like limbs pumping furiously, he looked like a frightened waterbug skittering across a pond. Dragon ran so fast that he was more disappointed than startled when steely fingers closed around his collar. Panicking, he broke free and zoomed ahead as if fleeing a forest fire. His life depended on it."