"To love at all is to be vulnerable." - C.S. Lewis
Most couples want to deepen their relationship but they aren't sure HOW to grow closer. The good news is they can start the path toward relational intimacy with just one carefully crafted discussion question a day. Christian marriage speakers and authors, Brad and Heidi Mitchell, have designed a book of questions to help every couple discover more about each other and take their relationship to a new level.
Some questions are fun and lighthearted while others focus on beliefs, values, family, and God. You'll explore answers to questions like:
What is the biggest lesson you've learned in life?
What was your favorite childhood activity?
Whose marriage do you admire and why?
What is your favorite meal?
How would you describe what heaven is like?
What part of our wedding vows mean the most to you?
This book can serve as a keepsake for couples as each question has space for spouses to write their answers. It is a great gift for weddings and other special occasions. Build Your Marriage One Day at a Time is an important guide for every couple who wants to fall more deeply in love.