"Brave to Be Lee" by Les Atkins is an inspiring children's book that follows the story of seven-year-old Lee, who loves reading but struggles with stuttering. Despite the challenges he faces, both in speaking and from teasing classmates, Lee learns to be brave and never gives up. With the help of his supportive teacher Ms. Rawlings, speech therapist Ms. Gomez, and best friend Johnny, Lee practices techniques to improve his speech. He works hard every day, determined to overcome his stuttering. When tasked with presenting a book report in front of the class, Lee faces his biggest challenge yet. Through perseverance, courage, and the support of his family, Lee conquers his fears and delivers his report, proving to himself and everyone else that he can succeed. This heartwarming tale not only teaches children the importance of kindness, bravery, and never giving up on themselves but also fosters empathy and understanding towards those who may be different. As Lee's classmates learn to support and encourage him, young readers will understand the significance of acceptance, patience, and standing up for others who face challenges. "Brave to Be Lee" is a must-read for any child who has ever faced a challenge, felt different, or wants to learn how to be a better friend to others. It's a story that will inspire readers to embrace their unique qualities, strive for success, and treat others with compassion.