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Book details
  • SubGenre:Angels & Spirit Guides
  • Language:English
  • Pages:92
  • eBook ISBN:9781483574608
  • Paperback ISBN:9781483574592

Answers from the Angelic Realm

Archangel Rafael Speaks

by Jeannie Barnes and Mary Wallace

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Modern day life presents us with many challenging situations, such as the death of a loved one, financial troubles, relationship problems, or just feeling lost and alone. In the book "Answers from the Angelic Realm" we receive guidance from Archangel Rafael as to how to deal with the many difficult situations that we are faced with in our daily lives, as well as ways to enhance our spiritual growth.
Why am I here? Why do bad things happen to me? What happens when we die? These are examples of the many questions that are answered by Archangel Rafael in "Answers from the Angelic Realm". We are all faced with challenges during our lives: the death of a spouse, parent, or child, losing a job, experiencing health issues; sometimes it is hard to figure out why these things occur. The information in this book will bring the reader to the understanding of why such difficult situations are presented to us, and how we can effectively deal with them, as well as how to receive assistance from our guides and angels.
About the author
In February of 1999 while meditating, Jeannie began to speak in another language, one that even she didn't understand, and yet knew that it was coming from a heavenly source and giving her information. She soon realized that it was her path is life to help others hear what their angels and guides were saying to them. Ever since her awaking she has spoken this language, and while channeling, she interprets the information for her clients; a beautiful and uplifting experience of hope and love.