About the author
We now demonstrably live in a society where individualized, narrowly tailored medical advice and treatment, from medically trained doctors, given directly to their patient is a punishable and sometimes a career ending offence for the practitioners. In this new, less healthy (the pandemic was so deadly that many nurses and doctors were terminated, exiled is a better descriptor, therefore less professionals available to render aid to the sick), and increasingly illiberal society, public medicine is a "one-size-fits-all", do what big pharma/public-health dictates (the revolving door of government officials and big pharma executives is well known) type of world. Where elite capture of politicians and other elected and non-elected officials and regulatory capture of governing oversite entities' safety regulatory procedures is business as usual. Personal and individual medical care is no longer the norm and in several cases since 2019 is publicly shamed, stigmatized and even prohibited. The greater good now demands many forcefully administered and deadly experimental medical gene therapy procedures and unnecessary invasive interventions be carried out on unwilling victims (victims of the bioweapon and the weaponized medico-government). Since 2019 public health entities along with corporate media have caused the individual to undergo forced removal of/from careers, families, personal economics, entire lives and livelihoods canceled and silenced, unpersoned (unconstitutionally removed from public discourse), doxed and to be terrorized and unjustly destroyed; all under possibly punitive negligence or even intentionally falsified pretenses (based more on political beliefs and profit than medical diagnoses). Not to mention, amoral draconian separation of family members from dying loved ones, unscientific, disastrous and deadly lock downs and bizarre everchanging masking rules all based on possibly artificially inflated case and death numbers and misdiagnoses from possible testing manipulations. The pandemic related responses of public health entities have been based on emotionally provocative groupthink and exceptionally refined psychological warfare designed to both subjugate the conformist and remove and silence the proponents of due diligence who pushed back with scientific data. Public Health entities in lockstep with pharmaceutical companies, governments, corporate news outlets and social media could now be the deadliest public enemy to the individual's wellbeing. It is now proven, documented and demonstrated worldwide that health science data can be skewed and altered to fit political ideologies (wokeism, scientism) by changing definitions, changing how deaths are recorded and reported to promote fear campaigns and weaponize medical information (by cherry picking facts or silencing those who disagree). Inconsistent data sets and liquid modernity infected definitions create a chaotic environment where individual patient healthcare and compassion is impossible.