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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Substance Abuse & Addictions / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:164
  • eBook ISBN:9781543991130
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543991123

Addiction Rescue

The NO-BS Guide to Recovery

by David Marion and Dana Golden

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In their first self-help book, David Marion and Dana Golden address the subject of addiction, or substance use disorder (SUD), and recovery. They take an in-depth look at recovering from all three areas of life that are affected by SUD; the body, the mind, and the spirit. This book is the perfect blend of David' story through multiple addictions and through the recovery of them, eye-opening facts and advice for those struggling or loved one struggling with addiction. This book is written in an easy to follow, and in list format, to help anyone suffering from any type of obsessive behavior causing consequences in their life. Whether an addict or the loved one of an addict, Addiction Rescue is the one, all-inclusive book to get into and stay in recovery.

David Marion has been addicted to everything from Rice Krispie bars to Heroin, hookers to slot machines. He made tens of millions of dollars and gambled it all away. He lost his only wife to divorce, his two daughters for a time, and his extremely successful brokerage firm to bankruptcy. And eventually, he lost his freedom, too, when he was indicted and sentenced to five years in federal prison for mail fraud and money laundering, all because of his addictions. Through these experiences, David has become an expert in addiction and recovery and now spends his time as a Recovery Coach, Professional Interventionist, and Public Speaker. He now brings that expertise to a wider audience with his first book, Addiction Rescue; The NO-BS Guide to Recovery. Addiction or Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a disease of the body mind and spirit and Addiction Rescue is the one, all-inclusive book with the how-to's to restore all three areas of life. As the chapters progress, the reader sees how addiction plays out from start, to destruction, to recovery and through David's 5-Action process, walks the reader through attaining and maintaining recovery, covering absolutely everything needed to do so. In Addiction Rescue; The NO-BS Guide to Recovery, there is a perfect blend of David's authentic and raw story, enlightening facts and wisdom, along with advice and tools for anyone suffering from an addiction of any kind or anyone affected by someone else's addiction. This book shows what to look for and what to avoid in getting out of addictive behavior and into recovery. There are rules that addiction and recovery require and they are laid out in list form for an easy to understand, comprehensive guide. There are Tear-Out Sheets at the end of the book so the reader can easily refer to these rules on a regular basis. And, there are also tear-out sheets sighting the excuses addicts use to stay stuck, the warning signs to relapse, and how to disrupt obsessive thinking. These are essential tools to stay on track and keep in check. With the opioid epidemic that faces our country, taking 198 lives a day, 210 million people suffering from internet and social media addiction, 6-8% of the population addicted to sex, 2.6% of the population suffering from gambling addiction, and the plethora of other addictive distractions out there, there's never been a more pertinent time in history for this book. Substance use disorder doesn't discriminate, it affects people of all ages and walks of life and Addiction Rescue; The NO-BS Guide to Recovery is an absolute must for an addicted nation.
About the author
David graduated from The University of South Florida with a degree in Speech Communication. His adult career started as a Stock Broker in New York City where he quickly became the Sales Manager of one of Wall Street's largest firms. Battling multiple addictions since age nine when he started gambling, David found that as his success on Wall Street escalated, so did his addictions. He ended up on a one-way ticket to Minnesota to get clean and sober. David is now a Nationally Certified Recovery Coach (NCRC) and Intervention Professional (NCIP). He took his experience as a leader, motivational speaker and sales trainer to the recovery communities and has been speaking on a national circuit in recovery rooms, conventions and schools across the country for over 25 years. He has touched thousands of people with his message of hope, inspiration, and freedom from addictions as he has lived and lived through an opioid addiction. With the help of Dana Golden, he now brings his 5-Action Process to recovery from addiction of any kind, along with his story of hope and redemption to a wider audience in the book Addiction Rescue; The NO-BS Guide to Recovery.

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