Martin Finkelstein is a lifelong student of history, life, biology, and people. He is an innate teacher and storyteller. A Board Certified Internist practicing Internal Medicine and Geriatrics in New York City for decades, he has heard and absorbed the tales and trials of patients coming from all backgrounds.
The novel, "Adam's Vision and Creation" is an informative and educational story about one man's late-in-life spiritual and transitional journey. The protagonist, Adam Gardner refashions his idyllic Eden into a more complex and meaningful environment. His personal story advances from innocence and naiveté, to cultural awareness, action and determination, success and resolution, and finally to satisfaction and accomplishment. With his two adult and aging associates, they each find greater purpose, life-fulfillment, spirituality, and social acceptance as they attempt to improve society and combat discrimination.
Included in the story are important life's lessons in understanding prejudice, successful aging, overcoming social inadequacies, and protecting the environment, stressing the values of tolerance, respect, and understanding which are promoted through education, learning, and social interactions. Written with warmth and insight, this timely novel deals with important current issues of discrimination and violence, particularly against blacks, Jews, women, members of the LBGT community, refugees, Muslims, school bullying, and protecting our environment.