About the author
Bradley Wilkinson was born in Lafayette, Indiana. After high school,
he moved to Houston, Texas where after years of angst by his parents
ultimately pursued his college education, taking many years to
complete a series of degrees. Eventually, he made his way to Saudi
Arabia, where he has lived and worked for the better part of 14 years.
He is currently a senior public relations specialist with Saudi Aramco,
the national oil company of Saudi Arabia. Prior to that, he worked at
Central Michigan University after having returned from his first nonmilitary
tour of duty in Saudi where he supervised the Design and
Publications Unit at the Research Institute of King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals.
Bradley has an M.A. in journalism from Ball State University
and an M.S. in Education from Indiana University, and has been
involved with corporate communications for more than 25 years.
Years ago he was commissioned to design and write his first book, a
history commemorating 40 years of operations by the Wayne Town
Fire Department in Indianapolis, Indiana. His writings have been
translated into Arabic, Japanese and Chinese.