In its original stages, "A Guide Towards Balance, Fulfillment, and Happiness" was originally titled "For My Sons and Daughters: A Guide to Go Further Faster," and "For Our Sons and Daughters: A Guide to Go Further Faster." When MJ Flairs started creating the book, his intentions were to help his children navigate through some of the obstacles that they might face as they grow into adults. He wanted to help them avoid making the mistakes he and so many others made so they could go further, faster.
He soon realized his book should be written towards all children, as some lacked an adult presence to constructively guide them. Flairs soon changed the title to "For Our Sons and Daughters (A Guide to Go Further Faster)." He wrote this book in his free time between his career and doing music, but only when he had an ample amount of time and space to focus on the subject. He wanted to be diligent with the creation and organization of the book because the topics are extremely fragile, and the people he wanted to help with the book are possibly just as fragile. As he continued constructing the book and its outline, he changed the structure of the book and divided it into two separate sections: one for the betterment of oneself and one for the betterment of an intimate relationship. After changing the structure of the book, he changed the title to "For Our Sons and Daughters: A Guide to Balance, Fulfillment, and Happiness for Yourself and a Healthy Long-Term Relationship." As the years passed during his off-and-on contribution to the book, his interactions with others caused him to realize how many adults might need these solutions and guidance as well. After careful consideration, he decided to leave out the "For Our Sons and Daughters" part of the title. He didn't want to ignore or push away adults who might need the solutions and guidance as well. He kept the latter part of the title, and its final title became "A Guide towards Balance, Fulfillment, and Happiness: For Yourself and a Healthy Long-Term Relationship."