About the author
Paul William Johnson is a professional engineer, an entrepreneur and a former group vie president for a major construction firm in the Midwest. His groups included engineering, utilities, electrical, marketing and outside partnerships. He was also president of a major construction firm in the Southwestern United States. Paul has also owned and operated his own engineering and construction firms.
Paul has served as an elected city councilman, a wastewater commissioner and a public works commissioner.
Paul has spent a lifetime of participation in choral and instrumental musical groups. He has crafted renaissance musical instruments and directed an early music group for ten years in a large Presbyterian church in Southern California.
Paul has been a stock trader since 1960 and a commodity trader since 1970. Paul also parcipitates in farming and owns farmland in Texas.
Paul managed the value engineering and cost reduction programs for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and was the Senior Owner Representative on the largest roller compacted dam in California for the San Diego County Water Authority.
Paul is a writer and has published professional articles and paper along with several books that include Creative Blogging for Personal or Business Improvement, how you do dat?. This book was entered in the Writers Guild contest and won first place in its genre. A second publication is titled Thoughtfulness Texts to my Fantastic Grandkids.
Paul has been married to his wife, Linda, since 1963. They have five children: four are engineers, farmers and investors and one is university professor and a writer. All five children actively use the ideas and creative techniques described in this book.
Paul and Linda Johnson have thirteen wonderful grandchildren who have participated in writers the book, Thoughful Texts to my Fantastic Grandkids.
There is great inner peace that comes from when you discover that you can create whatever you want in your business or personal life.