Some students graduating in 2012 will be wearing t-shirts that read: “2012—The Last Graduating Class.” While the shirt was created in jest as a reaction to fear mongering in pulpits and Hollywood, these students are not immune to the nagging doubt that the ancient Mayans may have known something that our own advanced civilization does not. With an apparent climatic change, big earthquakes and tsunamis, flooding rivers, rogue nations threatening the rest of the world with nuclear weapons, and seemingly ubiquitous terrorism—could we be facing doomsday in December of 2012?
Keith and Rigby have cut through the “fog” of religion to produce a serious, pragmatic search of Bible prophecy. At the heart of this search is information about two incredibly destructive events prophesied for earth’s future. Either of these events could fulfill the 2012 doomsday predictions being made by a number of secular prophets. This much information about the future can be frightening. But, you can go “Beyond Fear” to that place of comfort in God’s promises and achieve that perfect peace He has provided for you.