Is your life stuck in a rut that you can’t climb out of? Do you envy other people who seem to have it all and you don’t even have half of it? Are there things about your life that you’re not happy with? Do you think that you could have a better life if only you could hit the reset button? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, then the 7 Minutes Read series is going to help you develop your life skills so that you create the life you’ve dreamed of.
Changing your life sounds a big, time consuming task. The reality is, that like most big projects, it can be done in small steps. You can’t do it all at once. No-one can. But if you have the determination to make positive change happen in your life, and you can commit little small amounts of time to doing so, the 7 Minutes Read series of books is the key to a more successful future.
While many books have many pages of theory on how to change your life, they often have very little in the way of practical ideas. They tell you what needs to be done in order to achieve success in one area of your life or another. They don’t always tell you how. That’s what makes the 7 Minutes Read series different. Each book contains a lot of food for thought, but it offers a variety of ideas of how to get the right result. Not all ideas work for each reader’s lifestyle so by highlighting several ideas most readers are able to quickly identify what will work for them and can get right to work making positive changes – and you can read it all in 7 minutes!
Do you want to make positive life changes, or do you want to read about how other people do it? If you are ready to get start doing it yourself, the 7 Minutes read series is ready to show you how!