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About the Author

Robert Zamees
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Author Info

Robert Zamees often calls an airplane “home,” finding rest in beds, on couches, at rented flats, and even, at times, in his own bed in Kansas City, Missouri.

As a child, he wanted to be an architect, until he learned in college that The Brady Bunch wasn’t reality. It prompted him to drop out of university four weeks before graduation to whimsically take up the then nascent trade of internet marketing.

With a pocketful of experiences as an online marketer--like his bosses debating his worth in his presence and future professional sports franchise owners screaming at him about 404 pages--he took the busted internet bubble as a sign to do something completely different, like learn about chocolate and chewing gum, vacuum-sealed coffee, why horses don’t have square eyes, and that the next world war will surely be between those who love and hate the PT Cruiser.

With those exceptional nuggets of wisdom to wield, he oddly fell into being the “social voice” of one of the largest brands in the world, slinging HDTVs, diamond rings, patio furniture and Twizzlers in bulk; truly a complete and total waste of his superpowers (but a paycheck!). And once he realized his soul was dying, he burned his cape and brandished a pen.

One year later, he finished the first draft of his first novel, was nearly broke, staved off foreclosure with a Kickstarter campaign, and started sharing his tome. The truth was, he didn’t know the story he wanted to tell until he tried to tell it, and it was this pursuit of truth that kept him writing and rewriting about his love of love, ultimately to complete that first novel... like, a decade later.

Robert has been in love many times, and is forever married to his stacks of poems, ideas, travels, and scribbles of wisdom learned (at the completion of his first novel, he had learned 435 things about the world, often asking others to pick a number so he can tell their fortune).

For you, #1 is free: Even beautiful people have problems, and there’s beauty in all of us. #morelove