Jeri began writing poetry at the age of 11, when she discovered she had a talent for rhyme. She used her poetry, even at that young age, as a form of therapy to deal with severe childhood trauma. She never intended to share it with the world, but God had other plans.
Over the years she slowly began to share her art with her inner circle. She was encouraged to enter her poetry into the National Library of Poetry contest, which she did and won editor’s choice. Her poem, ‘Transformation’ was published in The National Library of Poetry, Verdant Lands of Spring (1998).
She began her first book Modern Day Psalmist in 1999, but half-way through she set it down to be forgotten for the next two decades. Again, God had other plans. He orchestrated her life in such a way over those two decades that she knew she had to finish this book- which she did in 2023.
Jeri has several other titles in the works in the hopes of connecting with others in a tangible and relatable way with the beautiful love of Jesus.