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About the Author

Natasha N. Goss
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Author Info

Natasha N. Goss is a native of Boston, Massachusetts.  This is her debut children's book, but she has been creatively writing since age seven.  Her imaginative thinking and storytelling flourished in her elementary years with the help of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein.  In later years, she drew inspiration from Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, Langston Hughes, Ralph Ellison, Shirley Jackson, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and a host of other writers who helped her diversify and build her writing repertoire.

Natasha has committed most of her life to helping children, young adults, and adults find and fulfill their purpose.  Through her written and spoken words of encouragement and wisdom, it is her hope that she can help shatter any misconceptions, doubts, and negative perceptions they have of themselves, so they can live life to its fullest.