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About the Publisher

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Directing a yoga studio means doing far more than just what we love. We love to teach and practice yoga, and what we have learned to do is build.

Since 2001, we have been building a yoga & vegan food practice that we share with our community. Together, we also build yoga studios that are beautiful oases from the hecticness of the city. We develop and design websites and write and design yoga and vegan cooking books. We made an On-Demand yoga channel and live-stream Liquid Fire Yoga sessions.

Together, we write and create music for yoga and creativity. We produce and design clothes worthy of wearing for leisure and yoga. We do every bit of marketing, and our social networking platform is created for a personal side of who we are. Our entire life is devoted to taking care of the people. And If that means that we have to do it one person at a time, one class at a time, one book at a time, we will. Our greatest joy is helping others learn that yoga is not for the just flexible and young.

Liquid Fire Yoga is a lifestyle that anyone can live.


From daily yoga classes, to workshops, we have got your back! 

Learn yoga practice with Calvin and Theresa of College Park Yoga. 


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