Magister Artium, Biblical Studies,
Cum Laude, (RAU).
Bachelor of Arts, Honors in Bible
Theology, (ICI University, Texas).
Certified Associate of the
Institute of Bankers in South Africa (CAIB).
The Southern Africa Institute of
Management Services (SAIMAS).
The author has completed 4 of 5 books in
the “The Prophetic Writings” series which include the following titles, ‘The
Beginnings’, ‘The Messiah’, ‘The Prophets’ and ‘Jewish Apocalypticism’, which
all deliver compelling findings with proof sources. The final book, World
Alignment is in the process of being written.
E-Mail address propheticwritingseries@gmail.com " />
Doctor Litterarum et Philosophiae,
Biblical Studies (RAU).
Magister Artium, Biblical Studies,
Cum Laude, (RAU).
Bachelor of Arts, Honors in Bible
Theology, (ICI University, Texas).
Certified Associate of the
Institute of Bankers in South Africa (CAIB).
The Southern Africa Institute of
Management Services (SAIMAS).
The author has completed 4 of 5 books in
the “The Prophetic Writings” series which include the following titles, ‘The
Beginnings’, ‘The Messiah’, ‘The Prophets’ and ‘Jewish Apocalypticism’, which
all deliver compelling findings with proof sources. The final book, World
Alignment is in the process of being written.
E-Mail address propheticwritingseries@gmail.com " />