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About the Author

Theresa Miles
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Author Info

A technical writer by trade for 41 years, Theresa Miles is an aspiring author, only recently moving into a self-published memoir. Her first work was released in June '21 as the focus on her childhood and chronologically until her mid-sixties. Hiding in Plain Sight (HIPS) was intended to provide the framework of her early days and the numerous challenges confronting anyone questioning their value, their gender, and seeking the love of her parents and small network of friends. 

Full Disclosure, titled as such, emphasizes her struggles and ultimate liberation from her work without the constraints described in depth in HIPS. No longer were there people and demands that could keep her in bondage. But it also meant that life's final chapter certainly needed a much clearer perspective to make this the most meaningful ever. 

This new book was composed as a sequel to her first book Hiding in Plain Sight released in June ‘21. Now Full Disclosure is a complete 180 from the struggles she endured through the bulk of her life described in the first memoir now offering a renewal and celebration of life after being forced into retirement three years ago. 

Full Disclosure serves as a more extensive elaboration on some of the most intimate details including her difficult decision to take the retirement package amid Covid-19. After a complex and stressful 2020 and most of ‘21, Theresa offers insight into some of her hardest times, but now with complete victory and liberation. 

Although the intended audience is directed at the LGBTQ+ community and their family and friends, the challenges she confronts and how she overcomes them and sheds light on what many go through in their journeys as Transgender or non-binary people. 

The first book covered the majority of Theresa's childhood including formative years through college and early career positions. Chronologically, the first book began with Teri’s childhood fast forward through pre-retirement plans 65 years later. Full Disclosure, being the follow-up book, covers the time of retirement pending through separation of employment that began the liberation and celebration she experienced on July 30, 2021, and over the next three years. 

Theresa focuses on clarifying her challenges, how she approached them, and ultimately achieved victory over almost all of them. Most chapters include supplemental takeaways highlighting what readers can use most readily in the challenges the community faces. 

It's no secret that the LGBTQ+ community is the favorite recipient of oppressive legislation and a seemingly endless attempt at erasing them from today's society. Theresa demonstrates a variety of situations in which she is completely open and unabashed revealing exactly who she is and has always been. She offers concrete advice on how to respond to some of the most common challenges the community faces. But she is also open and completely real demonstrating abundant humility and grace in nearly every situation. 

Where there is never an attempt at selling religion, Theresa does provide ample situations where her faith has proven more than once to give her divine guidance and salvation (even from herself). She provides great direction and clarification of how her faith has helped her through even the most difficult challenges.  And at the same time being critical of situations where the church has left her completely abandoned.

The purpose of both novels is to provide a storytelling opportunity for others involved in similar journeys searching for answers as either members of the LGBTQ+ community or those who are looking for more insight to help loved ones navigate their own path.

Theresa formed the Miles in Front Foundation receiving an IRS nonprofit approval rating in September of 2022 for the primary purpose of supporting the safety and security of the LGBTQ+ community through sustainable resource development.

The Miles in Front Foundation will support the development of LGBTQ+ liberation through the establishment of a physical 'safe' space to emphasize the creation or re-purposing of an existing site for a...

• Transition House for short-term emergency residence for homeless LGBTQ+ adults and…

• Recreation Center to provide a means of social gathering in a place free of hatred or judgment.

• Resource Center from numerous supporting LGBTQ+ agencies and sponsors for meeting rooms and assembly/social gatherings

• Transition Rooms useful for those in need of exploring options available for clothing to support identity transition.

Like the first book, Full Disclosure will deposit all proceeds from book sales directly into the foundation.


The Miles In Front Foundation: A  Path Forward for Trans Advocacy

Mission & Vision

Many LGBTQ+ persons have been outcast by others in their world sometimes to the point of violence and unjust persecution through short-sighted legislation or society's ignorance.  The innocent must be given the chance to live just as others, at peace and free to be who they have always been- to live their truth in their liberation from fear or hate.


LGBTQ+ persons of all backgrounds and ethnicities, religions, from all corners of the globe have served in a variety of ways- from the military to public service or private causes, each with a storied past marked with emotional and physical scars pronounced daily when that liberation is delayed another moment or when their lives have been stolen.


The Miles in Front Foundation will serve the entire LGBTQ+ community in a different way than traditional public agencies- the focus being placed on LGBTQ+ adults over age 24 who have been shunned or forced into the streets to fend for themselves amidst the indifference, violence, and hatred that put them there in the first place. Local agency support typically does not address adults caught in the crossfire of family, employers, religious practices, and home.


IRS has approved MIFF as an exempt 501 C 3 non-profit organization with tax ID 86-3854878 effective 9/6/2022.

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'Bookmatters' Release and Reading Set This Fall '24

On September 12th, Bookmatters located at 6 Main Street, Milford, OH will host a book review and reading with Theresa Miles signing and answering questions in person. The program will begin at 6 PM EST and last approximately 1.5 - 2 hours.  Books will be available for immediate purchase or ordering online or through Bookmatters directly.

Theresa (Teri) will also help answer questions and have available her first book (Hiding In Plain Sight) which led to this novel as a sequel- Full Disclosure-  released now.

Contact Bookmatters directly for pending orders or questions about this event at info@thebookmatters.com  

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