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About the Author

Author Info

Schuyler M. Wood was born in Burbank, California, but has spent the majority of his life in the San Francisco North Bay area of Marin County. His passion for the sciences has followed him his whole life. Prior to writing A Crisis at Tranquility! he tried to write a cookbook for young adults entitled How Not to Burn Water, but the image of burning water kept leading his mind toward a science fiction concept that eventually led to the real-world science that underlies A Crisis at Tranquility! However, the need for a cosmic event to cause problems required Schuyler to seek the help of the science people he so much admired.


After three years of research and many rewrites, Schuyler was finally ready to create the compelling story of a human and Artificial Intelligence crew aboard a Moon-orbiting casino called Tranquility. After completing the manuscript, he realized that he had created enough backstory for two other novels: a prequel, A Dream of Tranquility; and a sequel, A Memory of Tranquility. He also has concepts for other spinoffs.


eBook of A Crisis at Tranquility! now available and pre-orders are now being taken for the paperback book. Join Marc Acer and his Core Crew of the Tranquility as they fight against the odds.


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