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About the Author

Ralph Pitman
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Ralph Pitman: Author’s Bio


Can a singer-songwriter who preached to teens from coffee house stages and church pulpits also pen a page-turner? Ralph Pitman proves the answer is a resounding yes. Raised in the fertile literary ground of Philadelphia, he received his degree at the University of Virginia where he found early praise for his poems from giants like Robert Lowell and Adrienne Rich. Rich said that she liked his stories and that he might enjoy songwriting. He embarked on a multifaceted career, crafting songs, teaching in schools, and even bringing laughter to TV screens as the human foil to a wise-cracking puppet. He attended an Episcopal seminary and was ordained as a Priest in 1973. But through it all, his love for language and storytelling never faded. His poetic journey Dream You takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions, all woven with the exquisite craftsmanship of a wordsmith who's seen it all. Get ready to be captivated by a unique voice that's equal parts grit, grace, and good old-fashioned storytelling magic.


Ralph Pitman's latest collection DREAM YOU will launch on May 1, 2024

Dream You is a collection of poems that tell a story of one person’s lifelong quest for connection. These poems are not written to charm and amuse. They are rooted in the soil of real life, and they are offered as a recognition of the healing and hope that lie gently on the horizons of love. These poems touch on shared human experiences of love, passion, loss, joy, and forgiveness. They are an invitation to find your own horizon of love. Dream You is an offering of gratitude for all the people along life’s way who seek healing and reconciliation through love.

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