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About the Author

Kath DeLorme
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Author Info

Kath Delorme grew up in southeast Florida. She began life in a chaotic, abusive environment which set her on a path to cultivate strength, courage, and ultimately, enough vulnerability to surrender to the flow of life.

She enjoyed a 45 year career as a Respiratory Therapist. This professional path allowed her self-confidence to grow, as she cared for those whose bodies were in need of repair, and souls in need of nurturing.

She has tenaciously fought against the tide of changes presented by her life, and been victorious in reshaping her soul. Kath has tasted the authenticity of her innermost landscape and continues to seek it's unfolding.

Kath's dream for writing this book was to create a "Gift" for those who venture in. Her hope is that sharing her story will empower you, or someone you know, to become acquainted with, and caress the pain held within the heart. It is the dance with pain that guides us to wholeness. IMAGINE... the beauty and release, as we catch a glimpse of the gifts that await on the other side of darkness.