A well sought after GO to person, with years of experience in both a business capacity and spiritual capacity.
Jane is a professional with many talents and will always give you her full attention, to the task in hand. Her vision is to work with you or your businesses to accomplish continual growth and achievement. To do this she requires your full co-operation and will work in a professional, but comfortable way.
Jane is a natural communicator and has an innate ability to navigate people, whether it be in their business or personal life, to their ultimate aspirations.
We all experience tough times in our personal and business lives, and she can guide you to find the positive solutions when needed. Whether you need guidance with finances, bereavement, Alzheimer’s Disease or Spiritual direction, she can help. Working with Jane will bring great rewards and the best possible outcomes.
In her youth she was fortunate to be in sport, headhunted by an American coach taught her about the power of focus, drill, dedication, drive having a positive mental attitude paved the way to a lot of success- like following good foot- steps.
Learning to tune in and develop her Positive Mental Attitude, allowed her to deliver results when it mattered which has helped her no end in business, especially when deadlines are pending.
She was encouraged as a child to be interested in things, think for herself, use her own mind, and not to be afraid of speaking up when she was spoken to.
Some of her interests are curiosity, why people do what they do, personal health, tax, systems, hypnotherapy, spiritual facilitation, Alzheimer’s disease, prophecy, Confucianism, sacred geometry, meditation, psychometry, writing, creativity, and what we can learn from ancient wisdom, energy work and spiritual development. A truth seeker and truth speaker.