Julie Krakora is an avid spiritual writer/poet who is even described as a mystic by those who know her. In all things, especially in her own Christian witness, she strives to create opportunities to bring people closer in their personal relationship with God. This comes forth through her many personally crafted retreats, lesson plans, prayer writings, and presentations to specifically reach the audience in front of her. This personal attention, led by the Holy Spirit, is also always present in individual conversations with any teen or adult.
Julie received her BA in Theology from Marquette University and her MA in Pastoral Studies with an emphasis in Christian Spirituality from Loyola University in Chicago. Infused from this Jesuit education, she fully embraces and constantly lives the motto of "Finding God in All Things." From this inherent view of the world, writing and teaching about God is both a gift from God and a passion for God.
Professionally she has served in the Catholic ministerial field as a Director of Youth Ministry for junior high and high school teens; a campus minister/Theology teacher in Catholic high schools; Director of University Ministry on a college campus; and currently serves as Jr. High Director of Religious Education at a parish in a suburb of Chicago. Before writing her first book in print, she wrote numerous pastoral and Scriptural reflections for both teens and adults for LTP (Liturgical Training Publications.)