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About the Author

Barbee B
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Author Info

Barbara Elaine Burns is an African American woman who resides in New York City. is a She is a mother of four, including a set of twins whom she loves very much.  Long-time freelance creative writer, she has wanted to publish her own book since she was a very young girl.  Working in health care, Barbara achieved a master's degree.  She supports diversity, inclusion, and health equity. She has received several writingaccolades that empowered  encouragement to stand-up inside herself to become a published author.



This book is based on a true story and is intended to pay tribute to family. It is written to heighten compassion, create a space for children to be themselves with a sense of humor and love. It is a family momentum. No matter what adversity a person may be facing, happiness is the ultimate pursuit. We are all human, and as parents, we do our best to give our children the finestupbringing. This book is dedicated to all parents, parents of multiple births and everyone who must overcome life challenges and disabilities, raise children, and answer to precious curious little ones. Children will always question their parents and guardians. Honesty reigns, but sometimes parents do not always have answers or are unsure of the correct answers. Every so often, responding can be tricky and sometimes comical, so we wing it! Inquiries are equally enjoyable and mystifying, but occasionally they will require serious thought before replying. The twin's curiosity is constant, from discovering that they are separate people to babbling in their own language. Once the twins learn how to form words, their questions and curiosities will flourish. Children face the world with many uncertainties simply because of innocence. Subsequently, growing into adults, we realize that we are not perfect and constantly seek answers to the unknown.

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