Andy's debut novel, Lily's Payback won two awards: The London International and Great Midwest Book Festivals. He believes school teachers are heroes and portrays them as such in riveting, spicy thrillers. Andy retired after 42 years in public education.
A Writer's Digest Magazine reviewer wrote: "I loved this line from Lily's Payback: 'Can the teachers write a lesson plan to overcome the ruthless killer?' That one line nails the primary strength of author Andy Rose's hard-boiled mystery, which has a most unusual heroine: a middle school teacher. This is a great idea, a very fresh approach, and one the author makes terrific use of to tell a quick, exciting, plot-twisty tale of revenge and international intrigue."
Edward Aarons, LLB, Retired Sales Promotion Writer, IBM wrote: "Andy has crafted a wonderfully ingenious piece of thriller fiction. Lily goes though all the permutations fine fiction demands. In her quest, things get worse for her, and then worse than that, worse still and finally... You just have to love the Scottish lore and the Russian mafia. All this with the surprising collaboration of other schoolteachers!"