About the author
Mary Bell is a Spiritual Healer, author, teacher, and channel who has been in private practice for over 25 years. She specializes in understanding and integrating the current shift in consciousness that is occurring on the earth plane. Mary led a mystery school, the Nirvana School of Enlightenment, in the1990's and currently offers both personal sessions and seminars through The Foundation for Unity Consciousness. Mary utilizes a unique blend of New Age and traditional spiritual philosophy in her approach to healing, which makes her work appealing to many different people. Her passion has been to bring ease and grace into the transformational process.
Mary specialized in O.B. nursing for many years and developed her understanding of mind-body psychology through years of personal work and training in Bioenergetic Analysis. She graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, taught Awakening Your Light Body skills, as developed by Sanaya Roman and Dwayne Packer, and began channeling and teaching her own work in 1995. Mary taught with the Healing Touch program before she developed her own schools; her seminars have been sponsored by the American Holistic Nurses and the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Mary lives in Arizona and published her first book, Kicking and Screaming to Enlightenment, A Journey to the Real Self in 2010. See her website at www.foundationforunity.com for more information.