As I have stated earlier, I've been a counselor and coach for 37 years. I have seen firsthand how our society is crumbling, and trauma has ravaged our youth. The Sudden Loss of family which is caused by divorce, incarceration, drug addiction, Alcoholism, and death are destroying the fabric of our nation and the world in which we live. By creating a new and lasting family environment, our Project HOPE children become a part of a family in which You Are Loved Always (YALA) and You Are Never Alone (YANA). Please, help me, help our children.
Lisa Andino our Project HOPE mother stated: "My life has been forever changed by working with Mark Salvatore Pitifer and Project HOPE. The stories of these children have touched my life in a unique and special way. Their honesty, bravery, and resilience is astounding and has given me HOPE for our future generation. By cultivating the seeds of self-discipline, self-awareness, and self-love, we can all reap the harvest of love, joy, and success."
Another beautiful aspect of this program, is that this book RAISEISM: Project Help Our Pupils Engage, is actually a self-help book and parental handbook. It will help educators, parents, counselors, administrators, and even the students themselves. RAISEISM: Project Help Our Pupils Engage is a simple program, it's a short read, and it is written in layman's terms so that it can be easily digested and implemented by all people.
As Susan Burgess (Former Waterloo High School and Middle School Principal) states: "Mark Salvatore Pitifer walks the walk and talks the talk. He embodies the persona of "Counselor." Students can relate to Mark because he has walked in their path of despair and uncertainty. It is his real-life experiences that have molded him into the perfect role model for our Project H.O.P.E. students. Project H.O.P.E.