Journey through the Senses reveals the secrets of cuisines from West Africa through cultural events and traditional practices. You will learn about ceremonial foods; their medicinal values and historical significance also rooted in various American and European food genres, spices, and herbs.
The 5W questions, (who, what, where, when, and why) of the West African peoples are responded to in this book. From location to lifestyle, the various sections of this book address these potential questions, curiosities, and even fantasies. It will increase knowledge on the common thread that runs through the veins of the West African descendants globally.
Journey through the Senses is presented in three sections.
Part One is an overview of the geographical location of West Africa, the people, and their culture including values, customs, ceremonies, fashions, stories, and the role foods play in these societies. Despite the wide distances and the variety of spoken languages between some of the countries that make up West Africa, their cuisines, fashions, hospitality, art, and music are surprisingly similar. You may also recognize similarities with cuisines in the Americas due to historical events crisscrossing the Atlantic that connected parts of Africa to the Americas.
Part Two showcases recipes including the necessary ingredients that are normally accessible in some African, American, and European grocery stores along with simplified directions that do not require you to: grow your own food or catch your own meat; prepare ingredients with a mortar and pistil; nor cook over an open fire in an outside kitchen. It also serves as a guide to when and how to prepare and present some of these mouthwatering, one of a kind dishes, especially during special events or ceremonies.
Part Three highlights the medicinal values of the ingredients in these recipes, their history, and food journeys across the globe. Please also note that you will learn much from reading this book including the contributions and influences of this rich heritage to the world today. If these recipes are applied, you will even have a multi-sensory experience to add to your cerebral knowledge.