A volume of 30 poems by a acclaimed jazz musician, performer, arts activist and producer
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A volume of 30 poems by a acclaimed jazz musician, performer, arts activist and producer who shares his personal views on politics, culture, friends, history and love.
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About the author
Saxophonist J. Plunky Branch is an accomplished
performer, songwriter, producer and musicologist.
Plunky co-founded Black Fire Records and heads
N.A.M.E. Brand Records — through which he has
released 30 albums and composed over 450 songs.
His autobiography, Plunky: Juju Jazz Funk & Oneness
– A Musical Memoir, was published in 2015. He has
produced three documentary films, including Under
the Radar: A Survey of Afro-Cuban Music, shot in Cuba
in 2001.
In 2018, J. Plunky Branch received the prestigious "50
For 50 Award" from the Virginia Commission for
the Arts as one of the 50 outstanding arts persons in
Virginia of the last 50 years. In 2015 he was selected
as one of the "Strong Men & Women in Virginia
History" by the Library of Virginia.
Juju Jazz Poetics is the first volume of poetry from
Plunky, with a second volume and two books of song
lyrics forthcoming.
Throughout his career, Plunky has entertained and
taught thousands, and in the process has developed
a broad and loyal following. Well into his seventh
decade, he continues to produce new music and films
while performing internationally
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