Inspired by a TD Jakes sermon titled "Save the Scraps," this collection of writings is an ode to lessons learned, honoring the remnants of a faith walk that transformed a woman into a worshiper.
The text was Mark 6:42-52, the miracle of the 5 thousand fed, but the focus was verses 43 and 52- the taking of the scraps and their significance. Bishop Jakes began with this statement – "That which remains is greater than that which was lost." He highlights verse 41 where Jesus blesses the five loaves and two fish, admonishing that He is blessing what is not enough; and that the blessing and multiplication happens at the breaking. Selah.
Before a true relationship with God, a woman's make is tethered to her experiences with man. This guided journal unravels one woman's heart revealing her truths, missteps, and victories through written reflections.
Each reflection is followed by writing prompts that guide the reader's own journey of self-discovery that breaks open the heart to make room for God.