"Cindi and Sparkles Howl-oween Ghoulfriends" is an adorable children's holiday book filled with vibrant illustrations and creative storytelling. This story is sure to entertain the whole family and spark imaginations for choosing the perfect Halloween costume for pets!
18% of Cindi the Teenie Chiweenie book sale proceeds is donated to animal rescue and shelter organizations.
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"Cindi and Sparkles Howl-oween Ghoulfriends" is an adorable children's book filled with vibrant illustrations and creative storytelling. This story is sure to entertain the whole family and spark imaginations for choosing the perfect Halloween costume for pets!
18% of Cindi the Teenie Chiweenie book sale proceeds is donated to animal rescue and shelter organizations.
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About the author
Beverley Reichman is a devoted mom, retired elementary school teacher, and author. A graduate of Brenau University and the University of Georgia, she teaches, tutors, and mentors students while sharing her passion for learning, literature, living in faith, and experiencing life to its fullest. Visit her website at: www.beverleyreichman.com.
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