Are you concerned about your health and longevity, and the health of your children AND your children's children? Are you concerned about cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, degenerative arthritis, autism, and the rest of the chronic diseases we hear about so frequently these days? If you are, this Amazon #1 best selling book is a must read! What you will find may completely change your view of the causes of these devastating diseases and give you hope for a future of good health and a productive life. Dr. Reed has written a riveting exposé of the many ways that our health has been stolen by the very people we've entrusted to protect us. From toxic chemicals in every sector of our daily lives, to government and pharmaceutical industry corruption and coverup, to a medical profession that has lost its way, sanctioning sick care over health care, and violating some of the most fundamental principles of the healing arts -- we are sicker than ever before. If we fail to recognize what is at stake here and do not act to stop the madness, we are relinquishing control of our health and the health of our future generations to those who have already demonstrated an alarming neglect of their responsibility to do what is morally, medically, and ethically right. Our health HAS been hijacked, and it's high time to take it back! A blockbuster, a must-read, a stunning indictment of those that profit from our ill-health!
Editor's Commentary: I'm a skeptic at heart. I don't ride too far from the middle of the road in most areas of life. I am not a fad chaser nor a bandwagon rider. I take everything with a grain of salt. If you want me to believe what you have to say you better have some proof to back it up. I mean real proof. Not fabricated stories, or false inferences, or junk science. In part, it's how I'm wired, and in part, my experiences in life have trained me to be this way.
Working on this book has been a bit unsettling for me. If I'm honest, it's made me a little unsure about how I feel about the medical profession as a whole, and it has certainly raised some red flags about the pharmaceutical industry. The notion that people can do unscrupulous things for the sake of a buck is not a foreign concept, but the realization that it is so widespread among industries who are supposed to be for my good, that's mind blowing.
I have not been the same since working on this book. I cannot walk through the grocery store without seeing labels meant to convince me something is healthy when it isn't. I can't watch the news without hearing "facts" about some new drug or "safe" vaccine without rolling my eyes because I know they are telling the whole story. I look around my home, and I see toxins everywhere.
If you're ready to pull your head out of the sand and have your eyes opened, then open the pages of this book and get started. Be prepared for it to change the way you shop, and eat, and clean, and care for your body. Your health has been hijacked. You better believe it.
Carol Jones