Over the last twenty-five years, I have coached thousands of doctors on all aspects of success, from business to wellness to communication skills to inter- and intra-personal issues. I have seen millionaires made and broken, and heard every imaginable miracle and tragedy – but there is one challenge that seems to transcend talent, attitude, money, skill and social status, that affects literally everyone, which few have addressed and fewer have resolved. I’m talking about sex. In my opinion, sex in our society is essentially broken – people like the idea of sex, and many wish for a good sex life, but due to cultural distortions and misinformation, and for most people, an introduction into their sexuality that is uneven at best and traumatically miserable at worst, many don’t enjoy it, most don’t understand it, and almost no one feels especially comfortable with or well-equipped for it. Yet, a satisfying love life is available for pretty much anyone who wants one, as long as there’s a willingness to look at sex in a new way – not as one thing that is nearly impossible to figure out, but rather, from one of nine separate worldviews, so you can get clarity from your vantage point, instead of trying to apply only generalities. It is in this set of patterns that is uniquely you that you can find the kind of satisfaction that leads to a well sexuality. Each type contributes something special to the loving formula, and each looks at lovemaking a particular way. It is through understanding the distinctions of your particular type that sexual wholeness, indeed, sexual wellness is available. Knowing which of these Nine Types Of Lovers best describes you, and which best describes someone with whom you wish to have an intimate relationship, can make the difference between ecstasy and painful, frustrating failure. These ideas are that potent. So, let me welcome you to a new way of experiencing yourself through sex, not the strained and incomprehensible old way, but rather, a revealing, embracing, attractive and exciting new way – through the enneagram of sexuality. (Don’t worry about this strange new word right now – it will be explained in detail later on.) Before you begin to study this thrilling new material, please ask yourself two questions: 1. If there were no rules and I couldn’t fail, what would my sex life be like? 2. Who would I have to be or become to have this sex life? By the time you turn the last page of this book, you will have clear answers to these questions, and you’ll be well on your way toward fulfillment in your lovemaking, regardless of your current status in relationship, in self esteem, or in personal experience. This work is for you to awaken your sexuality, not in a dirty or vulgar way, but as a celebration of life. You can have great sex. You deserve it. Put a smile on your face, you’re about to enter the world of sexual wellness.