About the author
In 1966, at thirteen years old, Yocheved (nee Gloria) Bloomfield received her first Bible as a textbook in her Catholic high school. Up until that time, she had only had books of Bible Stories. Curious to read the accounts of the stories she knew, she read cover to cover and came up with more questions than answers. The main question being, "If we are following a Jewish Messiah, why aren't we doing Jewish things?" From that point, over the years, she faced (and instigated!), many challenges to the religious status quo. On a hunt for The Truth, she investigated many different faith streams and philosophies, looking for what aligned itself closest with the Bible. Her heart's desire was to find a place where the Bible was seen as a continuum of Elohim's revelation to His people. That desire culminated in a Scripture study group, which ultimately grew into Kol HaMashiach (Voice of Messiah) Messianic Congregation. "We chose that name for our congregation," she says, "because we wanted to accurately hear Messiah's voice, and accurately echo His message to those who sojourn and study with us. This book is born of those efforts to accurately tell the Master's Story."
Yocheved and her husband, Pinchas (nee Frank), retired from pastoring the congregation after 23 years. They now live with their faithful fur-faced companions in a little town in Texas. They have a blended family of three sons who, with their families, live from one coast to the other.
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email: khm.yocheved@yahoo.com