About the author
Dr. Gaul has been trained in Bible and Theology at
London College of Bible and Theology seminary: Virginia Bible College: Faith Bible Institute, Judson College, Park College and The University of Illinois.
He has a Doctors in Chiropractic as well from Cleveland Chiropractic College. He was licensed by the evangelical free Church of America.
Dr. Gaul has pastored a Presbyterian Church in Virginia. He was The Youth Pastor at Addison Bible Church in Addison Illinois. He became Pastor of Bethel Evangelical Free Church on Washington Island. He was Christian Education director at Sunny Vale Chapel in Waterford, Michigan.
He founded Community Bible Church in Waterford, Michigan then went on to Pastor Grace Baptist Church in Windsor Ontario, Canada
Dr. Gaul now serves as Associate Pastor under Rev. Thomas Hampton of Community Bible Church in Waterford, Michigan which he founded in 1975