Christ’s love is like Stevie because it is a Wonder. We serve a Wonderful Creator. As you dive into wonderful, it displays and contains amazing pictures, insights, and illustrations. Wonderful is a glorious and enlightening book that graces us with the greatness of God. As you journey through the book, first, you will be awakened with, “It’s Time.” It is a message to the reader that a Time in Christ will be a Time that’s well invested. You should believe and give your Time to Christ because all Time is in the Almighty’s, mighty hands. He simply has His hands on Time. Then Nana, remembers the time, of His loving late brother, the wonderful Kobbie Agyare, and how now he is dancing the golden streets of heaven in “I Can Only Imagine.” Kobbie Agyare you are forever in our hearts. Third, if you are a Mighty Man of God, you will be empowered by “Mighty Man of Valor.” Then, if you are a Victorious Virtuous Woman you will witness the beauty of what God has called you to in a “Virtuous Woman,” and thank God for the agape love of a mother in “Mother’s Love.” What a sight to read, as a father expresses the love for his daughter in, “Daddy’s Rose.” The reader will also be challenged in what is their “Treasure” in life. This is just the tip of the iceberg, as you are blessed with each and every poetic illustration within the book. This book is a masterpiece, a message, and a source of power that has to be read. As you navigate through the blessing within “Wonderful” each poem exemplifies the love of our Good Shepherd. There is no love greater than our First love’s love. It has to be uncovered and discovered, because it was love that brought our Saviour to humble himself as a man, and come down from Heaven to be slain for us, to save us, and for us to join His cherished family. It is the same love that should be taught all across the globe, because His love is simply, “Wonderful.”