You know, of course, Hippopotamus is Greek for "River Horse." Most Hippos love the water. That is all but Wigglewagglewattamus. A Hippopotamus was he, but as hesitating a hippo as a hippo could be! He lived in Africadabrica by a river named Spaghetti. Yet very time he got near Spaghetti he began to quiver. Then he would wiggle his ears, waggle his tail, break into tears, and begin to shiver. Wigglewagglewattamus loved Prettypattypotamus, but she ignored him. If he tried to speak to her, she would say; "Don't talk to me! Any hippopotamus who won't take a swim - well I'm not interested in him!" Wigglewagglewattamus is desperate to win her love. But to do so he must jump in the Spaghetti. Is love powerful enough to help him overcome his fears?