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Book details
  • SubGenre:Diet & Nutrition / Diets
  • Language:English
  • Pages:172
  • eBook ISBN:9781543967159
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543967142

Why the Whale?

How the Real Story of Jonah Shows Us How to Unleash the Blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven Right Here on Earth

by William Odom MD

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The story of Jonah is well known, but many questions still surround the tale. Why did Jesus compare Himself with Jonah? Why was Nineveh so important a whale was sent to save Jonah? Why did all of Nineveh fast after Jonah arrived? Since Jesus always spoke in parables, was there an underlying message being missed? Indeed, Why the Whale? intertwines Biblical scripture with historical record and archeological discoveries to uncover a marvelous hidden meaning of the whale itself. Incredibly, the sign of Jonah is actually a secret key which unlocks the true meaning of the Beatitudes, as Jesus uses their framework to fully enunciate how fasting unleashes the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. This pivotal message is of infinite help and hope to everyone.
The story of Jonah is well known, but many questions still surround the tale. Why did Jesus compare Himself with Jonah? Why was Nineveh so important a whale was sent to save Jonah? Why did all of Nineveh fast after Jonah arrived? Since Jesus always spoke in parables, was there an underlying message being missed? Indeed, Why the Whale? intertwines Biblical scripture with historical record and archeological discoveries to uncover a marvelous hidden meaning of the whale itself. Incredibly, the sign of Jonah is actually a secret key which unlocks the true meaning of the Beatitudes, as Jesus uses their framework to fully enunciate how fasting unleashes the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. This pivotal message is of infinite help and hope to everyone.
About the author
A graduate of The Citadel and MUSC, Dr. Odom served as Chief of Anesthesia for two different hospitals. Later in private practice, he pioneered Ultrasound-guided injections as well as effective interventional therapies for Neuropathy and Fibromyalgia, establishing him as a sought after speaker and consultant for numerous health care corporations. Through his faith, he was also blessed to help his patients effectively invoke the power of fasting to overcome multiple other physical and personal battles. After witnessing remarkable results, Dr. Odom felt a strong calling to disseminate the revelation of the Divine foundation of fasting.