“Why Organic Farming is Great for Canada” is a captivating book about organic agriculture, organic food, GMOs, health, the environment, tourism and more. It is designed with a focus on Canada, but has pertinent information with regards to the rest of the world.
This book is for all farmers, all consumers, all investors, all retailers, all students, all parents, all manufacturers, all governments, etc.
“Why Organic Farming is Great for Canada” is relevant for today, and as individuals get more conscious about where their food is coming from; about eating healthier; about protecting and conserving the environment; about making a living, and so on, this book will open your eyes to the positive impacts of organic farming and more.
The author – Mr. Leroy A. Brown did a fantastic job in putting together all this information in such a way, that it is easy to understand.
It is a must read if anyone is serious about food, the environment and one’s wellness.