About the author
Bowen F. White, M.D. combines the talents and expertise of a medical doctor, teacher, executive coach, speaker, consultant, and author. He travels the world conducting seminars, consulting and speaking to public and private organizations.
In 1983, Dr. White founded the Department of Preventive & Stress Medicine for Baptist Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri and the Department of Wellness and Health Promotion before leaving to pursue a private practice and a career as a consultant and speaker. He has given hundreds of keynote addresses and some highlights of his consulting experience include a six-month team building project at NCAA headquarters, three years as corporate medical consultant to the Hazelden Foundation, multiple presentations for Medtronic, Inc. (including their Medtronic Leader program), is the graduation speaker for MFS leadership training programs, multiple presentations for the Institute for Management Studies and lectures at Stanford University's Graduate School on design thinking, creativity and innovation.
With a practice in organizational medicine, he is interested in the “people piece” of the workplace puzzle: Leadership, Team Building, Coaching for High Performance, Balance and Well Being, Stress, Managing Change, Sales, Ethics, and Communications. His programs emphasize the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own health and well being as he helps organizations create suspiciously healthy workplaces.
Dr. White’s training programs, seminars, keynote speeches, management retreats and executive coaching sessions have had an immediate, practical application for such organizations as: St. Luke’s Health System, Yarco, Sprint, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, New York Life Insurance, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 3M, DuPont, Duke University Medical Center, Mercury Marine, Inc., the Foreign Service Institute, Hallmark Cards, Federal Reserve Bank, Ameriprise Financial, Hydraulic Institute and Georgetown University Law School.
His message is international. In addition to presentations throughout the US, he has presented at conferences in Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany, Austria, India, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Panama and Israel. He has spoken to educators and business leaders in the UK (London, Manchester, Edinburgh), and to staff members stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, Hungary. The International Management Center in Budapest asked Dr. White to share his expertise with managers studying their emerging market economy. He has also discussed aspects of executive training and quality programs with industrial managers in Osaka, Japan.
In addition to appearing on the front page of the Wall St. Journal and on national television programs such as CBS This Morning, Desmond Morris’ The Human Animal and the PBS series The Promise of Play, Dr. White is often interviewed by radio, newspaper and magazine journalists. He has eight years of experience as a weekly TV health commentator for Kansas City’s CBS-TV affiliate and also had a three-year stint writing a weekly newspaper column, entitled “Patient Potential,” for the Kansas City Business Journal.
Dr. White is married with four daughters. He contributes his time to The Gesundheit! Institute and the National Institute for Play and is the author of two books: Why Normal Isn’t Healthy and with John MacDougal, A Clinician’s Guide to Spirituality. In addition he created two audio series: The Cry of the Heart and Dr. White’s Complete Stress Management Kit.