Table of Contents
Forward by Ben Herring, PGA Golf Professional 5
Introduction. 7
PART I: The Game of Kings. 11
Chapter One: The Board and the Players. 19
Chapter Two: Chess Language. 31
Chapter Three: Playing the Game. 37
PART II: Why Chess Matters. 69
Chapter Four: Art, History & Other Tidbits. 73
Chapter Five: Chess & Psychology. 81
Chapter Six: Kid Stuff. 89
Chapter Seven: Your Career and Chess. 103
Chapter Eight: Chess and Jr. Golf. 111
Epilogue. 119
Suggested Reading. 121
Sources & References. 122
Acknowledgments. 125
What people are saying:
"Chess has been an incredible addition to our Jr. Golf Program. I asked my seven-year old what he liked best about golf camp, and he said, ‘Chess!’ If you know nothing about chess and want to add it to your jr. golf program, or just introduce your kids to this great game, Why Chess Matters is where to begin. “
Ben Herring, PGA Professional
"My daughter, who is now 11, started chess with Mr. Ashley at age 7. It has been a vital part of her education experience, and she loves chess. Why Chess Matters is a must-read for all parents." Noelle Weinberger, Jet Blue Reservation Supervisor
“Brian’s insight into chess and how it helps kids is marvelous. I’ve seen troubled kids get turned around by playing chess. Why Chess Matters is an easy read for the non-chess player. It is a beginner’s guide for parents and teachers who aren’t familiar with chess.”
Sue Abramowitz, MA, School Counselor, Ret., Coachella Valley, California
“Chess is a unique tool that provides structure and stability for troubled youth. Why Chess Matters explains why and how chess does this, along with a historical and social perspective of the game. Highly recommended for parents and teachers. “
Thomas Komp, Sr. Vice President (Ret.), The Help Group