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Book details
  • Genre:HISTORY
  • SubGenre:Holocaust
  • Language:English
  • Pages:140
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350908657


Voices in the Wind

by Bruce Benson

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Born in 1950's America, the Holocaust has been a continual drumbeat in the lives of Jews around the world. The distance allowed the raw truth to evade many of us. Benson felt a compelling need to see, hear, taste, feel and walk where it all took place. Over a 12 day trip, all that and more was experienced. The search for the voices of the six million murdered was afoot. This is the story of the search for Voices in the Wind.
A lifetime of stories told by generations asking that they not be forgotten and their stories be told and retold. Over decades of the pain of the stories mounting on a generation of Jews, the author came to understand the need for the trip of a lifetime to happen. Over the course of a 12 day trip to multiple European sites of the greatest horror story ever lived, Benson takes us on an emotional tour of 3 countries, 4 concentration camps and more. With the eyes of a sojourner attempting to see what WAS as opposed to what some would like to have had it been, he provides deep insights into humanity and the heartless attack on Jews, gypsies and other groups by those who had lost their souls and more during the Second World War and the whirlwind within it separately called- the Holocaust. Travel with him on buses, trains and planes as he looks for meaning in the winds, searches the sites for understanding, and strains to hear the voices of those who's stories are yet to be heard. Walk with him at night, on the streets of Berlin, looking over his shoulder at every turn and loud noise. Listen as he seeks to hear the voices as the Whisperers share their pain and their stories. Feel with him as the Whisperers reach out to touch him at the remnant of the Warsaw Ghetto wall and share their Voices in the Wind. Feel the anger upon experiencing disdain for people who don't understand the realities, have lost or never found compassion or who came to hear stories for the first time from someone who heard the Whispers in the Wind. A touching and compelling read bringing all the emotions of a compelling and startling face to face with the truth of what hate can bring to human beings.
About the author

Bruce benson is an ordained Rabbi and Cantor. That makes him a "Rantor". He is a nationally known composer with a first round Grammy nomination. As a Jew, he has always been surrounded by stories of the Holocaust and finally needed to experience the "where" of it all. This freshman outing brings a viewpoint to the discussion which is fresh, new, direct and clear. The addition of several songs written by Bruce based on, and using, Holocaust texts, adds a unique dimension to this compelling and highly personal story.