About the author
My greatest blessings in life have come from helping others. Born and raised in Metro-Detroit, Michigan, I attended Wayne State University. My desire to be a public servant and help people from all walks of life led me to earn my B.A. in Psychology and Political Science (Summa Cum Laude), and Master’s and Ph.D. in the Public Administration field.
As a life coach, my passion lies in helping individuals live their best life. My goal is to help you experience the real you. You were born with intelligence, beauty, gifts, and abilities. The person that God made you to be is perfect in every way. Stop trying to be like someone else. Stop trying to gain the approval of others. Shine the light that you were meant to shine. Be the person you know deep down in your heart that you were meant to be.
Every book I write is authentic to one's emotions. The characters are real. They get angry. They get hurt. They are confused. They are left uncertain. But through it all, they find the courage, strength, and beauty to "deal." It's not always pretty, but it's real.
My hope is that each book makes you know that you are not alone in the world with your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. We all experience the emotions. It's just that some people are better at hiding it than others. We are told that we are wrong if we don't leave the house everyday with a smile on our face. We are told we are wrong if we show anger, if we show hurt, if we show pain. We are taught to keep things hidden, but where there is light, there is hope. I hope each story I share brings light into your life, and through each passing chapter, you are left knowing that your feelings are very normal. Your anger is normal. Your hurt is normal. Your sadness is normal. You'll come to know that what you are experienceing right now in your life, many others are experiencing as well.
Nothing is hidden in my writings. The characters' voices are authentic and speak the truth. They don't hide their emotions because it is safe or the acceptable thing to do. We are taught at a very early age that feelings and emotions are better left upon the shelf. But this is dangerous. The more we suppress how we really feel and what is really going on in our lives, the more it will manifest in our body and mind in ugly ways. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to be pissed off, angry, and hurt. Accept these emotions when they arise, understand the purposes they serve, and ask your emotions what they are trying to teach you.
Maybe your emotions want to help you make better choices in your life. Maybe they are teaching you to set boundaries with others. Maybe they are teaching you to stand your ground, say what you believe in, and live your truth. Maybe they are teaching you that it sucks when others are continuously bouncing you around like a ball. Maybe your emotions are hinting that it is time to make awesome, healthy changes in your life! So the next time your feelings make you feel like crap, don't run away from them. Invite them in and ask "What are you trying to teach me? What positive changes are you trying to help me make in my life?"
My characters boldly speak their truth so the healing can begin in their lives. May the authenticity of my stories grant you the permission to speak your truth. Whatever you have gone through in life, you are deserving of walking with your head held up, being proud of who you are, and achieving your dreams.
Wishing you smiles,
Emma Hunter, PhD