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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
  • Language:English
  • Pages:108
  • Paperback ISBN:9780998921013

When Hope Finds You

Rest in the Very Heartbeat of Hope

by Samuel A. Kojoglanian

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For the one whose life doesn't add up, for the one who is giving up, for the one who can no longer stand up, HOPE will find you, and you'll find yourself resting in the very heartbeat of HOPE.
There is a source of unwavering HOPE that's immutable, unshakable and irresistible. Read on and meet a blind beggar, a leper, a Samaritan, a traveler, a nation and a patient who all cried out, cast off their misery, came forth and were found in the very epicenter of HOPE. For the one whose life doesn't add up, for the one who is giving up, for the one who can no longer stand up, HOPE will find you. See what is not seen, and embrace it. Hear the taunt of your adversary, and ignore it. Be found by HOPE, and cherish it. Find yourself resting in the very heartbeat of God's HOPE.
About the author
Samuel A. Kojoglanian, MD is an interventional cardiologist in Southern California. Designated among the top 1% of professionals in the US in his field, Dr. Sam touches the lives of countless patients in his Mender of Hearts practice. Through his ministry, the Beacon of Hearts, Dr. Sam is an evangelist and a medical missionary, called to be an instrument in the hands of God, who alone heals hearts and mends souls.