Barbara Gibson has worked as Safehouse Director at Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence in Atlanta, GA for more than a decade. Within the same time frame (and not coincidentally) Barbara has become a skilled practitioner of meditation and mindfulness. In addition, she completed training in the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) through the Trauma Resource Institute. CRM is a skills-based program designed to help individuals understand their nervous system, and learn to recognize sensations connected to well-being. Barbara uses her personal experiences and training to support others in their desire to weather the normal, and at times traumatic, ups and downs of life with equanimity. A strong self-care and mindfulness advocate, Barbara was led to join Kim Frndak in this project as a way to inspire others to learn about and commit to these life-changing practices.
Kim Frndak
is a long-time, old-school, advocate for women whose lives have been impacted
by domestic violence and its aftermath.
At the Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence Kim has worked
as the agency’s Community Outreach Coordinator since 1998. Nearly twenty years ago, to manage the
personal impact of “sharing the load” with so many who suffer, Kim incorporated
meditation and mindfulness practice into her life. It was the desire to share this
transformative, life-changing journey that led Kim to co-author this book with her
friend and colleague, Barbara Gibson, her sister in open-heart-work.