Are you feeling drawn to adopt children through the foster care system but your mind is afraid, confused, or overwhelmed by stories you've heard in the news and comments from other people?
As an adoptive mom of a sibling pair, I am often asked about the foster care adoption process. I often share my own stories and stories I've been told from those I know who have actually navigated this journey.
This is the basis for why this book came to life—to share real life stories with others who are considering adopting through the foster care system and to raise awareness about the 113,000 children who are currently waiting in the system for their forever family. Some profiles of these children can be found online; but, in order to adopt them, you need to first navigate through the licensing process.
There are over 45 topics in this book to help you with deciding and applying to go this route, getting through the training, home study, legal, and matching processes, and to equip you with practical insights for the parenting journey.
Inside you'll learn:
- what foster care adoption is and which children can be adopted
- why some families waited and how some pursued this path after facing infertility
- how some had to be persistent and how they endured the process
- tips for parenting children who have experienced neglect, trauma, alcohol exposure
- tips for parenting children who have mental health or medical needs
and more!
Plus, you'll have quick access to tools like The Forgotten Adoption Option App and Podcast to build your toolbox as you read.
The stories are anonymous to honor the families involved, but they are real. Some are my own and the rest are from people I personally know.
My hope is that by reading these stories you'll be able to discern if foster care adoption is the right choice for you. And, if it is, that you'll be prepared to handle the ups and downs, behaviors, and realities involved in raising children adopted through the foster care system.